Results for 'Manuel Cándido Pimentel'

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    Razão comovida.Manuel Cândido Pimentel - 2011 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    A ontologia integral de Leonardo Coimbra: ensaio sobre a intuição do ser e a visão enigmática.Manuel Cândido Pimentel - 2003 - Lisboa: Centro de Literatura e Cultura Portuguesa e Brasileira.
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  3. Convergências e Afinidades. Homenagem a António Braz Teixeira.António Pedro Mesquita, Manuel Cândido Pimentel & Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (eds.) - 2008 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Braz Teixeira, António, natário, Celeste, Teixeira da cunha, Jorge, seabra Pereira, José Carlos, cândido Pimentel, Manuel, Gama, Manuel E epifânio, Renato : A “renascença portuguesa”. Pensamento, memória E criação, universidade do Porto, Porto, 2017, 792p. [REVIEW]Arnaldo Saraiva - 2018 - Agora 37 (2).
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    Leonardo Coimbra: vida e filosofia.Manuel Cândido Pimentel - 2019 - Lisboa: Universidade Católica.
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  6. Deus a criação em Eduardo Abranches de Soveral.Manuel Cándido Pimentel - 2009 - In Maria Celeste Natário, António Braz Teixeira & Renato Epifânio, Eduardo Abranches de Soveral: o pensador, o filósofo, o humanista. Sintra: Zéfiro Edições.
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  7. Bioética y Derechos Humanos en el Sur Global.Ramón Sanz Ferramola, Manuel Francisco Serrano & Cándido Sanz García - 2021 - Revista de Derechos Humanos y Estudios Sociales (REDHES) 25 (XIII):123-150.
    In this paper, we analyze the origin of the links between global bioethics (which we differentiate from biomedical bioethics) and human rights. We understand that we are in a global civilizational crisis, whose roots extend to 1492 today, in which the modern-capitalist model used the discourse of human rights to justify its predatory technocracy. There are three theoretical assumptions that support our analysis: 1) The current conditions in which the technique shows its destructive power over nature (Anthropocene) indicate that none (...)
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  8. Cándido o la Intolerancia: Revisión de un relato de la Ilustración.Manuel Monge Fidalgo - 2000 - A Parte Rei 10:12.
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    Academic Goal Profiles and Learning Strategies in Adolescence.María Carmen Martínez-Monteagudo, Beatriz Delgado, Ricardo Sanmartín, Candido J. Inglés & José Manuel García-Fernández - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Educational Management from the Constructivist Perspective to Improve Teaching Performance in Educational Institutions.Fernando Pablo Velásquez Salazar, Hugo Alvarado Rios, Sunil Guardia Salas, Jeremías Allpas Rodríguez, Julio Arévalo Reátegui, Katherine Elisa Pimentel Dionicio & Manuel Ricardo Guerrero Febres - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:128-145.
    The objective was to propose an educational management model from the constructivist perspective to improve teacher performance in primary and secondary education institutions. The research was basic, quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive-propositional in scope. The sample consisted of 92 teachers from an educational institution in Lambayeque, Peru. The results obtained in the surveys place teacher performance at a low level in all its dimensions: preparation for student learning (60.90%); teaching for student learning (70.70%); participation in the management of (...)
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  11. Manuel Pimentel et le" Jeu du roi" en 1608.Bareau Ml - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance. Travaux Et Documents 37 (2):201-212.
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    Manuel Pimentel et le «jeu du roi» en 1608.Michel L. Bareau - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (2):201-212.
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  13. Why corporations are not morally responsible for anything they do.Manuel Velasquez - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (3):1–18.
    Properly speaking, the corporation, considered as an entity distinct from its members, cannot be morally responsible for wrongful corporate acts. Setting aside (in this abstract) acts brought about through negligence or omissions, we may say that moral responsibility for an act attaches to that agent (or agents) in whom the act "originates" in this sense: (1) the agent formed the (mental) intention or plan to bring about that act (possibly with the help of others) and (2) the act was intentionally (...)
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  14. Teologia de la evolucion (II): La Ilamada creadora trinitaria. Karl Schmitz-Moormann, 1997.Manuel G. Doncel - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (242):783.
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  15. Presentación del Congreso.Manuel Angel Martínez Juan - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (445):231-236.
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  16. Information and Information Flow: An Introduction.Manuel Bremer & Daniel Cohnitz - 2004 - De Gruyter.
    This book is conceived as an introductory text into the theory of syntactic and semantic information, and information flow.
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    Zariski‐type topology for implication algebras.Manuel Abad, Diego Castaño & José P. Díaz Varela - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (3):299-309.
    In this work we provide a new topological representation for implication algebras in such a way that its one-point compactification is the topological space given in [1]. Some applications are given thereof.
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    I. A. Richards' theory of value.Manuel Bilsky - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (4):536-545.
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  19. (1 other version)Crónicas.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1967 - Philosophia (Misc.) 33:119.
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    Self-determination and the conflict between naturalism and non-naturalism.Manuel M. Davenport - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (15):633-644.
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  21. Alternativas al sistema penitenciario.Manuel Gallego Díaz - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (973):25-28.
    La prisión, que hasta finales del siglo XVIII no pasó de ser una medida aseguradora de la presencia del reo en el proceso, fue experimentando a partir de entonces un rápido y progresivo avance como pena en los ordenamientos jurídicos no sólo por considerarse más humana y eficaz que las penas a las que fue sustituyendo -penas de muerte, corporales e infamantes-, sino sobre todo por su adaptabilidad a la gravedad del delito. Además, con la organización de la ejecución de (...)
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    Educación, universidad y filosofía.Manuel Luis Escamilla - 1988 - San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América: Ministerio de Cultura y Comunicaciones, Viceministerio de Comunicaciones, Dirección de Publicaciones e Impresos.
  23. Anita Burdman Feferman and Solomon Feferman, Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic.Manuel Bremer - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (6):404.
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  24. Las concepciones de la filosofía del lenguaje.Manuel García Carpintero - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):77-92.
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  25. Algunas reflexiones antropológico culturales con relación a la violencia de género.Manuel Angel Soriano Gil - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960):87-90.
    Es indudable que el inconsciente colectivo estudiado por Jung y su escuela psicoanalítica, nos ha demostrado fehacientemente que las conductas observadas y aprendidas en la infancia tanto en la familia como en la sociedad, se reproducen de manera muy similar en las generaciones jóvenes.
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  26. Why the luck problem isn't.Manuel Vargas - 2012 - Philosophical Issues 22 (1):419-436.
    The Luck Problem has existed in one form or another since David Hume, at least. It is perhaps as old as Stoic objections to the Epicurean swerve. Although the general issue admits of different formulations with subtly different emphases, the characterization of it that will serve as my target focuses on “cross-worlds” luck, a kind of luck that arises when the decision-making of agents is indeterministic.
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  27. Human Dignity as High Moral Status.Manuel Toscano - 2011 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 6 (2):4-25.
    In this paper I argue that the idea of human dignity has a precise and philosophically relevant sense. Following recent works,we can find some important clues in the long history of the term.Traditionally, dignity conveys the idea of a high and honourable position in a hierarchical order, either in society or in nature. At first glance, nothing may seem more contrary to the contemporary conception of human dignity, especially in regard to human rights.However,an account of dignity as high rank provides (...)
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    Creatividad en sociedades contemporáneas. La estrategia de las artes inclusivas en tratamiento de conflictos sociales.Manuel Muñoz Bellerin & Nuria Cordero Ramos - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    In today's societies, there are conflicts that cause direct violence in a considerable part of the population. Homelessness is an example of the concealment of a social peace that is not real insofar as it affects those who do not have the minimum socio-economic guarantees to live with dignity. In this article, the authors reflect on some of the issues related to this type of problems that continue to stifle genuine participation and, therefore, the possibility of a more real democratic (...)
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    Aristotle’s Politics I and the Method of the Analytics.Manuel Berrón - 2020 - Rhizomata 8 (1):83-106.
    I intend to show that Aristotle follows some of the main guidelines of the Analytics in his investigation about the nature of the city in Politics I. I assume that Pol. I sets out the causes of the city and that the book responds to the four questions presented in APo. II.1. I demonstrate that Aristotle’s methodology follows a φυσικῶς standard. In addition, I assume that dialectic plays a secondary – refutative – role, as opposed to the opinion of Owen (...)
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  30. El ascenso del espíritu como desintoxicación.Manuel Garrido - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy:155-163.
  31. La conjetura de Huntington.Manuel Garrido - 2001 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):123-124.
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  32. Un carnaval de religiones.Manuel Garrido - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (2):1-2.
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    Mito y utopía como estructura de la historia: Hermenéutica, filosofía, geneología.Manuel Velázquez Mejía - 1991 - Toluca, Estado de México: Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
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  34. La modernidad ante el frío espejo del humor.Manuel Ballester - 2010 - In Manuel Ballester Hernández & Enrique Ujaldón, La sonrisa del sabio: ensayos sobre humor y filosofía. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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  35. The German Economic Potential.Manuel Gottlieb - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Cadernos de filosofia extravagante.António Telmo (ed.) - 2011 - Sintra: Zéfiro.
    CADERNOS DE FILOSOFIA EXTRAVAGANTE - ANTÓNIO TELMO Vários Autores Um dos sinais do Quinto Império é que ainda há andorinhas O provérbio diz que uma andorinha não faz a Primavera Mas eu acho que faz Enquanto houver um homem onde resida a espiritualidade há sempre um princípio do Quinto Império António Telmo Este terceiro volume dos Cadernos de Filosofia Extravagante é o primeiro que se publica após a partida de António Telmo, que os imaginou, concebeu e fundou Constitui por isso, (...)
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    El electrón y la probabilidad cuántica.Manuel G. Doncel - 1997 - Arbor 158 (622):173-190.
    El electrón introduce en la mecánica subatómica el nuevo concepto de probabilidad cuántica. Este artículo estudia el proceso de esta introducción, de 1916 a 1927. Einstein lo ocasionó, al elaborar un formalismo de emisión y absorción de radiación, que Bohr incluyó en su principio de correspondencia, como «probabilidades a priori». Heisenberg las recogió en su mecánica matricial, mientras Schrodinger introducía en su mecánica ondulatoria una función de onda, que Born convirtió en amplitud de probabilidad. Dirac fundamentó esos conceptos de probabilidad (...)
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    El derecho, ciencia y realidad social.Manuel Nâuänez Encabo - 1993 - Madrid: Editorial Universitas.
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  39. Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana.Manuel Gameros - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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  40. Foundations of set theory, de AA Fraenkel...[et al.].Manuel Garrido - 1973 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):583-586.
  41. OP,«Valor histórico de la Destrucción de las Indias».Manuel María Martínez - forthcoming - Ciencia Tomista.
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  42. El socratismo cristiano en san Buenaventura.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2006 - Naturaleza y Gracia 3:646-672.
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  43. Metafísica del ser infinito: la creatura, expresión de Dios. Apunte sobre la filosofía bonaventuriana.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2003 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:45-110.
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  44. Moral Reasoning.Manuel Velasquez - 2002 - In Norman E. Bowie, The Blackwell Guide to Business Ethics. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 6--102.
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  45. Nietzsche's Critique of Staticism.Manuel Dries - 2008 - In Nietzsche on Time and History. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 1.
    Why are we still intrigued by Nietzsche? This chapter argues that sustained interest stems from Nietzsche’s challenge to what we might call the ‘staticism’ inherent in our ordinary experience. Staticism can be defined, roughly speaking, as the view that the world is a collection of enduring, re-identifiable objects that change only very gradually and according to determinate laws. The chapter discusses Nietzsche’s rejection of remnants of staticism in Hegel and Schopenhauer (1). It outlines why Nietzsche deems belief in any variant (...)
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  46. Restall and Beall on Logical Pluralism: A Critique.Manuel Bremer - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S2):293-299.
    With their book Logical Pluralism, Jc Beall and Greg Restall have elaborated on their previous statements on logical pluralism. Their view of logical pluralism is centred on ways of understanding logical consequence. The essay tries to come to grips with their doctrine of logical pluralism by highlighting some points that might be made clearer, and questioning the force of some of Beall’s and Restall’s central arguments. In that connection seven problems for their approach are put forth: (1) The Informal Common (...)
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  47. The Feeling of Doing – Nietzsche on Agent Causation.Manuel Dries - 2013 - Nietzscheforschung 20 (1):235-247.
    This article examines Nietzsche’s analysis of the phenomenology of agent causation. Sense of agent causation, our sense of self-efficacy, is tenacious because it originates, according to Nietzsche’s hypothesis, in the embodied and situated experience of effort in overcoming resistances. It arises at the level of the organism and is sustained by higher-order cognitive functions. Based on this hypothesis, Nietzsche regards the sense of self as emerging from a homeostatic system of drives and affects that unify such as to maintain self-efficacy (...)
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  48. Freedom, Resistance, Agency.Manuel Dries - 2015 - In Manuel Dries & P. J. E. Kail, Nietzsche on Mind and Nature. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 142–162.
    While Nietzsche's rejection of metaphysical free will and moral desert has been widely recognised, the sense in which Nietzsche continues to use the term freedom affirmatively remains largely unnoticed. The aim of this article is to show that freedom and agency are among Nietzsche’s central concerns, that his much-discussed interest in power in fact originates in a first-person account of freedom, and that his understanding of the phenomenology of freedom informs his theory of agency. He develops a non-reductive drive-psychological motivational (...)
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    Rational and Social Agency: The Philosophy of Michael Bratman.Manuel Vargas & Gideon Yaffe (eds.) - 2014 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Michael Bratman's work has been unusually influential, with significance in disciplines as diverse as philosophy, computer science, law, and primatology.The essays in this volume engage with ideas and themes prominent in Bratman's work. The volume also includes a lengthy reply by Bratman that breaks new ground and deepens our understanding of the nature of action.
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  50. Scientific thought and work of Yuri Lotman.Manuel Càceres Sanchez - 1999 - Sign Systems Studies 27:46-59.
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